You are not going to be able to take all this with you. You have to part with the past in order to start a wonderful new future. A new life starts in a few days and there is no room for all this stuff in it.
Everything has a price tag now. The most cherished gifts have been given to special people because you would not feel right to sell them. It is time, you are ready. As people begin looking at your things, you look to the future. A new love, a new life in a new place.
A man buys the post hole diggers. You see the hard work and laughter shared working on 2 homes.
Someone buys a box of spikes. You see the cabin held together with them. The shovel goes now. You hear the joking while fixing a broken water line.
An old bucket used to carry water before all the plumbing was finished. There it goes into someones truck along with the water can that was kept full of drinking water.
A vase given to you years ago by one of your son's friends. They are discussing if it is worth a dollar.
The music box now,you see the shelves in the cabin.
You see the fireplace as someone buys the popcorn popper and the clock that hung above it.
On and on it goes. OH! That dress! You are standing by a grave on a hilltop. Another dress, worn out to dinner at the very beginning.
Past Thanksgivings run through your mind as you part with the Nesco oven. Tie wraps and wire cutters. Could they imagine you in a hardhat?
A yarn cat made by a dear lady's frail hands. A doily made by a friend years ago.
Over and over, as the day passes, you watch them walk away with your memories. Sometimes as they leave, you want to call them back, tell them you still need that. But you stop yourself because all they see is an old piece of junk or a bargain.
Then it is over. The house is empty. You close the door and start on your way to a new life. You have new memories to make.
The realization comes slowly over the next few months. Then one day you see clearly what you should have known all along. The memories are in your heart forever. The things were only little reminders. You never needed them at all!